HMI Visualizations

Machine visualizations for the medical technology,
 pharmaceutical and food industry

The WIT-HMI Framework 

For more than 13 years, Unified-E AG has been developing operating solutions that meet the 'FDA 21 CFR Part 11' requirements. Our WIT-HMI framework as a software development kit already contains numerous functions such as process documentation (PDF / Excel format), audit trail and a modern user interface.

By using the framework we ensure that all created production and test processes as well as recipe adjustments are traceable (traceability). The process data are prepared in such a way that they also provide important process quality indicators for quality management. Error entries are minimized by a clear layout and with the help of user access rights.

Batch management and process data recording for FDA/GAMP-compliant HMIs
Exemplary machine visualization based on the WIT-HMI Framework

Ideal for production machines and test devices with FDA requirements!

Save Time and Money with WIT-HMI

The WIT-HMI gives you the opportunity to quickly and flexibly create an optimized HMI visualization for your machine without having to reinvent the wheel every time. Our various standard functions can be assembled modularly to form an entire Windows HMI application, thus saving considerable development time and costs.

Advantages at a Glance

Flexible and modular solution

In WIT-HMI as a base framework, all FDA-relevant functions are already included in a highly configurable form and are thus also ideally suited for the GMP environment. Due to the modularity and the optimized implementation as a Windows application, there are no limits to your individual wishes.

Time to market

The framework components are proven and tested so that implementation and testing effort can be reduced to a minimum. By using an HMI simulator, no PLC or machine is required during the development period.

Technological lead

Experienced experts create your individual and optimized HMI solutions for you. WIT-HMIs impress with their simplicity, individuality and well thought-out visualization. Based on more than 20 years of experience in the automation and Windows environment, we are specialized in high-end HMI applications and FDA-compliant HMIs.

Special industrial functions

In addition to the standard functions, we support you in the implementation of special functions.

Tailored optimized solution for all user roles

Our WIT-HMI solution is implemented to meet the needs of operators and administrators.


Your HMI application can be easily expanded for multiple languages without any programming effort. Only the translation effort is required; multilingual support is integrated in the WIT-HMI framework.

Investment security

By purchasing a license, you have full control over the WIT-HMI framework since you obtain the framework code. You get a very flexible and open framework and can therefore make adjustments yourself at any time using XML or code. If necessary, you can even extend the WIT-HMI framework code.

Extended support and maintenance

On request, we will support you continuously with the maintenance and expansion of your WIT-HMI application.

Price advantage

There are no extra license fees per machine. A typical HMI application with all FDA requirements can be developed in just two man-months.

From the Idea to the finished Solution

We go along with you from your first questions to the completion of your HMI solution. We optimize the HMI on your machine and environment and develop it for you according to your specific requirements. But even after completion of the HMI application, we support you if extensions or adjustments are necessary. Optionally, you can make adjustments yourself using the supplied code.

1. Requirements

We get together and design the right solution for your requirements.

2. UI Drafts

The jointly developed HMI views are presented as prototypes, adapted and approved.

3. Development

We implement your solution for you. The flexibility and variety of the standard functions of our WIT-HMI framework enables us to develop your solution in a time-efficient manner.

4. Commissioning

We support you during the test and the first commissioning up to the release.

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Trust our many years of Experience

The WIT-HMI framework is already being used in many machines at world market leaders in the pharmaceutical and medical device industries. Our solutions are used by machine suppliers as a uniform HMI.

We have been developing HMI solutions with FDA requirements for more than 13 years
We have already created more than 50 different FDA-compliant HMI applications
500+ machines were delivered with our HMI applications
Our solutions are Windows-based and can therefore be easily connected to MES, database systems, cameras or other peripheral devices

WIT-HMI applications are used by large global market leaders.
Our customers are enthusiastic about the significant cost savings.